Are some walks better than others?

Are some walks better than others?

by Dr. Debra F. Horwitz | Behavior Bits

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You and your dog may walk for the same reasons or different reasons. People often walk or jog for exercise, or they may walk to look at their surroundings. Young dogs may want a certain amount of physical exercise to burn off energy. But all dogs really love to sniff the world around them. Even when you follow the same route, it is possible for the dog to discover new things. Wild animals that came by in the night and left their scent. Neighborhood dogs that urinated or defecated as they took their walk. To a dog, the world is full of wonderful smells.

To create a little variety for them, try going one way up the street and then switch the next day to go another direction. Allow your dog to ramble and smell until they are ready to move on. To a dog, a good “sniff walk” is like reading a really good novel and they are satisfied when they are finished both physically and mentally. If your return to work means your dog will be home for more than seven to eight hours at a time, a dog walker should come by to walk your do so they can eliminate and smell the world.

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About the Author

Dr. Debra Horwitz is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists as well as an author, editor and co-editor of several books; including Decoding Your Dog and Decoding Your Cat.


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